
Index – Foreigner – Hostage drama in the Italian refugee camp

[ad_1] The police mediators used in the kidnappings needed the help of a refugee center in Rome, where immigrants who were quarantined by a coronavirus epidemic held farm workers hostage. For several hours, there was unsuccessful coordination between the police and the immigrants barricaded in the field offices, who had …

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Germany declared three other Hungarian counties at risk

[ad_1] In the most recent information from the German Public Health Agency, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), three other Hungarian counties, Heves, Somogy and Zala, were also classified as risky from an epidemic point of view. According to German regulations, those who come from areas classified as risky must be …

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World: schools in Slovakia close for a month

[ad_1] World: schools in Slovakia close for a month Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”612b8018-8fcf-460a-993b-be520b72a69f”,”c_author”:”HVG”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Miközben egymás után dőlnek meg a globális fertőzöttségi rekordok, az interneten vírus módjára terjednek azok az oldalak, amelyek a járványt bagatellizálják, miközben csodaszereket …

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The three main drivers of the pandemic have been identified

[ad_1] Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health in Baltimore have published their study by reviewing previous studies in the scientific journal Science. Research participant Elizabeth Lee wrote that a good proportion of SARS-CoV-2 infections likely occur in homes. The researchers cite several studies showing that between …

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