
At home: the discotheque is prohibited, the pubs are not: an austerity decree has been published for the coronavirus

[ad_1] At home: the discotheque is prohibited, the pubs are not: publishes austerity regulation due to coronavirus | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f1f186e4-ce95-4eaa-a1bd-17a874854358″,”c_author”:”HVG360″,”category”:”360″,”description”:””Egészen torz rendszer született” – állítja Szél Bernadett – s az ilyenekben mindig az …

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2020 US Presidential Election – Big Excitement, More Likely Trump!

[ad_1] The country’s 46th president will be elected in the United States on Tuesday. In the presidential election, voters will decide between current Republican President Donald Trump, 74, and Democratic challenger, 77, Joe Biden, 77. In addition to the presidential election, federal representatives, senators, members of the local legislature, and …

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At home: Eger hospital’s chief obstetrician and gynecologist died of a coronavirus infection

[ad_1] At home: Eger hospital’s chief obstetrician-gynecologist dies of coronavirus infection | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”30dc0ae3-2283-4887-8f59-56f0654b237c”,”c_author”:”MTI /”,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”Rövid időn belül másodjára injektál jelentős összeget ebbe az ágazatba a kormány.”,”shortLead”:”Rövid időn belül másodjára injektál jelentős összeget …

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2020 US Presidential Election: Latino Votes Jump On Biden Trump’s Neck – Competition Is Getting More Exciting

[ad_1] The country’s 46th president will be elected in the United States on Tuesday. In the presidential election, voters will decide between current Republican President Donald Trump, 74, and Democratic challenger, 77, Joe Biden, 77. In addition to the presidential election, federal representatives, senators, members of the local legislature, and …

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BL: Show it to Europe – Kubatov sends a message to fans

[ad_1] Gábor Kubatov, president of Ferencváros, sent a message to the team’s fans on Facebook regarding Wednesday’s Champions League game. The foreman approached those who will watch the FTC-Juventus match starting at 9 pm on Wednesday at the Puskás Arena due to the tightening announced by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán …

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