
At home: Szijjártó’s family had a negative coronavirus test

[ad_1] At home: Szijjártó’s family tested negative for coronavirus Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”339ab16e-715c-43a8-9994-bbe31d627836″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Kipróbálta a NASA, mire képes a hónapokon át szervizelt hatalmas ausztrál rádióteleszkóp, a Deep Space Station 43. Ez az egyetlen szerkezet, ami képes …

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Imre László: Healthcare is little by little like football

[ad_1] According to the former hospital director who became mayor, it is dilettantism whether the elements of encrypted healthcare reform should be implemented right at the time of the epidemic. Imre László reacted to the news from Népszava that the government will begin to transform the health structure in …

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Index – National – This is how opposition parties reacted to the extraordinary announcement of Viktor Orbán

[ad_1] Viktor Orbán made an extraordinary announcement Tuesday night. The prime minister reported the decisions made at the government meeting in a video posted on his Facebook page. In mid-December, national hospitals will reach their capacity limits. In the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic, indicators in Hungary are deteriorating, …

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