
has to stay in Maradona hospital due to withdrawal symptoms

[ad_1] The legendary 60-year-old, who was operated on for an intracranial hemorrhage, showed alcohol withdrawal symptoms, so he has not yet been discharged from the hospital that treats him. According to his family, Diego Maradona is currently ungovernable. Entrance to the institution that nurtures the legend (Photo: AFP) Diego Maradona, …

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In vain the HCLU requested detailed epidemiological data

[ad_1] Although the HCLU requested detailed epidemiological data from the National Center for Public Health (NNK), it did not receive a satisfactory response, the NGO said on Friday. As they wrote, they requested data that would appear daily in official Austrian and German state reports on the daily number of …

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World: Milan hospitals are full of coronavirus patients

[ad_1] World: Hospitals full of coronavirus patients in Milan Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ee388e23-590c-41eb-ba85-3b3df31beaae”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Két államban a szavazatok újraszámlálását, kettőben a számlálás felfüggesztését akarják elérni. Közben az elnök mellett és ellen is tüntetnek több városban. “,”shortLead”:”Két államban a …

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