
EUrologist: It will be up to the EU countries to admit those who have been vaccinated in China or Russia

[ad_1] EUrologus: It will be up to the EU states to admit those who have been vaccinated in China or Russia | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”fc6fece9-1126-4b61-b7d9-a1686f610ef4″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Egyre több jel utal arra, hogy nem igazán kedvelik a vásárlók …

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Has Slovakia lost three million Pfizer vaccines?

[ad_1] In its Monday article, Hospodárske noviny (HN) reported, according to the article, that Slovakia waives 3 million doses of Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine what you would have been entitled to under the EU quota system. According to the article, Slovakia would have received 2.4 million vaccines from the …

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Do you know when you will receive the coronavirus vaccine?

[ad_1] In the spirit of digital education, we start with a math problem: Peter is a 32-year-old healthy and health-conscious young man who was one of the first to sign up for coronavirus vaccination. Depending on his vaccination plan and the availability of vaccines, calculate when Peter can be happy …

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