
Three opposition votes against the special legal order

[ad_1] Wind Bernadett, Ákos Hadházy Y Szabolcs Szabó According to MEPs, the government can already take emergency measures for two reasons: the health crisis and the epidemiological emergency give the government unlimited powers to deal with the epidemic. – wrote Ákos Hadházy, so the group of three unregistered deputies will …

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At home: Coronavirus: 103 people have died and 4,140 are infected

[ad_1] Start: Coronavirus: 103 dead, 4140 newly infected | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”6fbc1f62-e455-4a56-94b0-ebdf7912c4b0″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”A szabálytalanságok miatt egyik sem nyithat ki 14 napig.”,”shortLead”:”A szabálytalanságok miatt egyik sem nyithat ki 14 napig.”,”id”:”20201108_Razzia_Budapest_szorakozohelyek_vedelmi_intezkedesek”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”f823ba1b-7b10-4a1f-9a08-35981bd1a46e”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/gazdasag/20201108_Razzia_Budapest_szorakozohelyek_vedelmi_intezkedesek”,”timestamp”:”2020. november. 08. 14:37″,”title”:”Razziázott a rendőrség Budapesten, …

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Pérez: Orbán’s veto hurts the Hungarians at most

[ad_1] The leaders of the EP factions told the Hungarian prime minister that the concessions cannot be extorted by blackmail. The European Union cannot be blackmailed! This is how the Spanish leader of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament reacted to the Popular Word that Viktor Orban veto if …

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