
Economy: in Austria the curfew will be restricted throughout the day, only close relatives can be observed

[ad_1] Economy: In Austria, the curfew will be restricted throughout the day, only close relatives can be observed | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”52220752-d6b6-40ef-9b2e-0d97cb09b2bc”,”c_author”:”Németh András”,”category”:”gazdasag.zhvg”,”description”:”Az Egyesült Államok irányváltása példát is mutathat olyan országoknak, amelyek eddig haboztak …

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Dead man on the floor of a lavatory in a Neapolitan hospital, increasingly dramatic conditions not only in Belgian and French hospitals but also in Italian hospitals

[ad_1] Italy According to the Hungarian Nation report, many hospitals in Italy have the same conditions as in the spring, that is: corpses lying on the ground, crowded hospitals, deathly tired doctors and nurses. This time, however, the situation is not the worst, not in the north of the country, …

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