
World: Doctors wanted in Naples, long lines of snakes at test stations in Rome

[ad_1] World: Doctors wanted in Naples, long lines of snakes at test stations in Rome | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”505ec12a-c3de-444b-bfa3-1e332a7d7133″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Megnyitása óta 50 különböző rendezvényt tartottak az arénában.”,”shortLead”:”Megnyitása óta 50 különböző rendezvényt tartottak az arénában.”,”id”:”20201114_184_millio_forintot_fizetett_a_NER_hogy_a_Puskas_Stadionban_bulizhasson”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”528cf896-745f-4146-a9a3-7d14a771e1dc”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/gazdasag/20201114_184_millio_forintot_fizetett_a_NER_hogy_a_Puskas_Stadionban_bulizhasson”,”timestamp”:”2020. november. …

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Index – Foreign – Boris Johnson is re-quarantined

[ad_1] British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is re-quarantined after coming into contact with a person whose coronavirus test was positive. The UK National Health Service’s contact investigation system has informed the Prime Minister that they have been in contact with an infected person. The Prime Minister was informed today by …

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At home: Benkő: starting Monday, soldiers will be there in 93 hospitals

[ad_1] At home: Benkő: from Monday the soldiers will be there in 93 hospitals Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1d60018f-bbe6-4fd8-97a9-d6923dac201e”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Hamar elfogták.”,”shortLead”:”Hamar elfogták.”,”id”:”20201115_Zavarta_ahogy_az_autok_parkolnak_ezert_ketton_is_vegighuzta_a_kulcsat_a_78_eves_esztergomi_no”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”31ed35ac-79ec-4b4b-9eb9-77588fa1e21d”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20201115_Zavarta_ahogy_az_autok_parkolnak_ezert_ketton_is_vegighuzta_a_kulcsat_a_78_eves_esztergomi_no”,”timestamp”:”2020. november. 15. 17:42″,”title”:”Zavarta, ahogy az autók parkolnak, ezért kettőn is végighúzta a kulcsát a 78 …

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Starting Monday, there will be soldiers in 93 hospitals

[ad_1] Starting Monday, soldiers will be there in 93 hospitals to help with health tasks during the fight against the coronavirus epidemic, Defense Minister Tibor Benkő said on Sunday’s M1 night program. Tibor Benkő emphasized that the soldiers do not perform a task that requires professional health training, they will …

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