
From today there will be soldiers in 93 hospitals

[ad_1] Starting Monday, soldiers will be there in 93 hospitals to help with medical care in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic, the defense minister said in a Sunday night program on the current M1 channel, according to news from the MTI. Tibor Benkő He emphasized that the soldiers do …

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Index – Foreign – Austria last opened today

[ad_1] Austria has the highest rate of new coronavirus infections in the world, according to the ranking of the online database Our World in Data. In Austria, the seven-day average is 831 new infections per million inhabitants, ahead of Georgia (781), Switzerland (743), the Czech Republic (674) and Slovenia (668). …

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World: Twenty-five days later, Kim Jong Un

[ad_1] World: Kim Jong Un | twenty five days later Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”46aaba21-2d7a-41b3-a055-2516df00541d”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Ausztria a kijárási korlátozások feloldása után, december 7-től Szlovákiához hasonlóan tömeges tesztelésbe kezd – jelentette be vasárnap Sebastian Kurz kancellár.”,”shortLead”:”Ausztria a kijárási …

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