
Index – Abroad – Italy has run out of medical oxygen

[ad_1] There is also not enough medical oxygen for coronavirus patients in hospitals and officially quarantined, writes La Repubblica. The demand for medical oxygen used to cure the coronavirus has risen four hundred percent in recent weeks. The newspaper asked Federfarma, an association representing almost 20,000 pharmacies, and found that …

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Coronavirus: Czechs may already be relaxing

[ad_1] In the Czech Republic, 4,246 new infections were tested on Tuesday, 1,163 fewer than on Monday and half the cases from a week ago, according to reports posted on the Health Ministry website on Wednesday morning. In the ministry’s five-lane one-point risk table, in which each 20-point lane corresponds …

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At home: the government has extended emergency restrictions until February 8

[ad_1] At home: the government extends emergency restrictions until February 8 | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”21348e9b-1a31-4324-a398-b9eaf2605dbe”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Vászon helyett Petri-csészét, festék helyett baktériumokat használtak a Synlab mikrobiológusai egy őszi táj megfestéséhez. A kompozíció Szijj Orsolya és Seres …

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