
World: WHO is concerned about the deterioration of the epidemic in the Middle East

[ad_1] World: WHO concerned about the deterioration of the epidemic in the Middle East | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f29cc575-51a1-4b04-b041-4690bd22c2fa”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Negatív lett a második tesztje is, nem írja tovább a karanténnaplót.rn”,”shortLead”:”Negatív lett a második tesztje is, nem …

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By lottery, the medical chamber would decide who would survive.

[ad_1] The president of the Hungarian Medical Chamber (MOK) sent a recommendation to the Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi) entitled Ethical considerations for the allocation of medical resources during the Covid-19 pandemic in Hungary prepared by the Medical Chamber, for which he requested support from Minister Miklós Kásler. The recommendation …

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Béla Merkely also became a coronavirus

[ad_1] Béla Merkely, the rector of SOTE, also became a coronavirus, she announced on Facebook. “In the last few days, several members of my family have been infected with the new type of coronavirus and, sadly, my PCR test was positive earlier this week and I have had symptoms since …

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Coronavirus Merkely Béla

[ad_1] In the last few days, several members of my family have been infected with the new type of coronavirus and unfortunately my PCR test was positive earlier this week and I have had symptoms since yesterday He wrote on his Facebook page Thursday night. Dr. Merkely Béla. The rector …

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