
flee from foreign journalists and leaders

[ad_1] US President Joe Biden recently called Russian President Vladimir Putin a murderer in response to a question on US television ABC. Putin then, in a moderate response, proposed a meeting to Biden, who, however, eluded: he appears to be fleeing the trial. This may be related to the recent …

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Index – Domestic – Slaughterhouse education?

[ad_1] “We are outraged by the minister’s statement,” said Anna Komjathy, acting president of the National Board of the Democratic Union of Teachers (PDSZ), who suggested that the organization openly asked the government to vaccinate workers who deal with children out of turn. . . However, Miklós Kásler, Minister of …

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Coalition crisis in Slovakia: Prime Minister has resigned

[ad_1] Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovic announced on Sunday that he is willing to resign as prime minister and take up other government posts if his coalition partners keep their previous promises and leave their posts, reported TASR, a service news agency. Slovak civilian. As a condition for the departure …

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