
Mourning: the late Diego Armando Maradona

[ad_1] Diego Armando Maradona, champion of the Argentine national team, former Boca Juniors, Napoli and Barcelona player, who died at the age of 61. According to reports in the Argentine press, a sudden cardiac arrest caused the death of a legend who served as the head coach of Gimnasia La …

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At home: in an emergency, Sándor Pintér is the lord of hospitals

[ad_1] At home: in an emergency Sándor Pintér is the lord of the hospitals Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”0c397409-304a-4484-8162-82f107af2aaf”,”c_author”:”Serdült Viktória”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Mindkét oldalra játszana a kormány a börtönkártérítések kifizetéséről rendelkező javaslataival: az embertelen fogvatartás körülményei miatt megítélt összeget …

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Operating tension: the epidemic curve shifts

[ad_1] According to Wednesday morning’s report, the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was detected in 3806 new Hungarian citizens, increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 185,687. Most of the 106 deaths were chronically elderly patients, bringing the number of deaths to 4,114. The number of actively infected people …

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