
According to SZFE students, they cannot invalidate their semester with the new government decree because none of the reasons listed there exist in the institution.

[ad_1] The secret history of the 2018 elections in 84 color pages. I’ll buy it SZFE students reacted to a government decree issued Wednesday that would allow the maintainer to immediately invalidate the semester, even if an action is filed against the decision, which would normally have suspensive effect. According …

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Index – National – Infectologist: The wave of Christmas shopping must be linked to a personnel limit

[ad_1] A night curfew, in addition to limiting entertainment opportunities for young people, does not help much to combat the epidemic. And free parking is incomprehensible to fight the virus. The operating stress reported specific tests, with possible results next week. Little christmas Erzsébet Pusztai considers it extremely important to …

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AstraZeneca has made a mistake, vaccine results may change

[ad_1] Automaker AstraZeneca even said Monday that its coronavirus vaccine, developed in collaboration with the University of Oxford, was an average 70 percent effective in protecting against the virus in two study segments. This result turned out that the research consisted of two parts: a small group of subjects achieved …

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Cult: SZFE audience responded to news that they could destroy their semester

[ad_1] Cult: SZFE audience responds to news that they can destroy their semester | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”4147fbcc-eca4-4ba2-b00b-ee0590ef1922″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Az értelmi fogyatékkal élők számára sem lesz kötelező a maszk; marad a határellenőrzés februárig és ismét kitolta a …

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