
Cecília Müller: These numbers are high

[ad_1] The results of the massive tests were also revealed at Monday’s press conference by operational staff. Or who will get vaccinated first. Monday press conference of operational staff György István The Secretary of State began by presenting the results of the specific mass tests. The Secretary of State said …

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Operating stress: 2.4 percent of rapid tests were positive

[ad_1] István György, Secretary of State in the Prime Minister’s Office, said that last week the first round of rapid group tests was completed in educational, health and social institutions. Operating tension expected a higher participation rate. More than 1,000 test kits tested at more than 10,000 sites, with 181,506 …

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World: According to leaked documents, China has been misleading its infection statistics all along

[ad_1] World: According to leaked documents, China has been misleading its infection statistics Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”2c489b6e-6875-41e7-a3ee-38d9a27e84cc”,”c_author”:”HVG”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Kulka János édesapja, az ismert tüdőgyógyász Kulka Frigyes életét dolgozza fel egy különleges kötet, melynek címe: “Az utolsó mondattal …

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Soccer: András Törőcsik’s coronavirus test came back positive

[ad_1] András Törőcsik’s coronavirus test, who has been treated in the hospital since Saturday, came back positive. András Törőcsik’s coronavirus test was positive (Photo: Nemzeti Sport, 2018) Ad As we reported, the 45-time legendary Újpest national soccer team András Törőcsik was hospitalized on Saturday. The former excellent player was able …

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