
Nationwide testing of another professional group will begin on Monday

[ad_1] Testing of specific national groups will continue next week with testing of those working in the territorial administration, the prime minister said on Saturday. In their communication, they indicated that the tests would use the experience gained during the two weeks of testing in nurseries, kindergartens, educational institutions and …

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At home: Coronavirus: 189 patients died and 6,212 new infections were found

[ad_1] At home: Coronavirus: 189 patients died and 6,212 new infections were found Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”fd684fb4-f3a5-4732-a1e6-40ecfce4ec9d”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”A nevét nem hozták nyilvánosságra.”,”shortLead”:”A nevét nem hozták nyilvánosságra.”,”id”:”20201203_eszt_diplomata_kulugyminiszterium_brusszel_buli_szajer_jozsef”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”abb3b571-6bd2-4c15-93c0-609dc0b69a1f”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20201203_eszt_diplomata_kulugyminiszterium_brusszel_buli_szajer_jozsef”,”timestamp”:”2020. december. 03. 05:19″,”title”:”Elismerte az észt külügy, hogy egy diplomatájuk is …

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