
In Miercurea Ciuc, priests consecrated food for miles

[ad_1] In Miercurea Ciuc, more than 3,500 people attended the traditional food consecration on Easter Sunday in strict adherence to anti-epidemic regulations. According to a report by the Agerpres news agency, the city’s mayor’s office allowed this year to consecrate food not only in the square in front of the …

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Index – National – Church Views on Vaccination

[ad_1] As reported by the Index, Vatican guidelines require Catholic believers to avoid administering the Johnson & Johnson vaccine if they can, as the church says it raises ethical concerns that fetal cells have also been used to develop and manufacture it. The product of the aforementioned manufacturer, called Janssen, …

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World: There are two children with coronavirus in Romania with a ventilator

[ad_1] World: Romania has two children with coronavirus on fans Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”7552f542-834a-4e52-88c7-c15f77984c1f”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Kevesebb ember halt meg, de a kórházban lévők száma ismét emelkedett szombathoz képest.”,”shortLead”:”Kevesebb ember halt meg, de a kórházban lévők száma ismét emelkedett …

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In Romania, children are also attacked by the coronavirus

[ad_1] Easter Sale in Portfolio! As part of our new promotion, SIGNATURE annual subscriptions purchased between March 31 and April 9 can now be purchased at a 40% discount for HUF 18,000. This gives you access to the latest news, key analysis, and exclusive content at a much better price. …

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At home: there are 242 more deaths in the epidemic in Hungary

[ad_1] At home: the epidemic has 242 more deaths in Hungary Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”29b875dd-89f2-48d3-9f08-e5ab3482b14d”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Egy hét alatt 302 brit halt meg a koronavírus miatt, ami tavaly szeptember óta a legalacsonyabb heti halálozási szám. Az országon belül …

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Christ was resurected! Really risen! |

[ad_1] Do not be afraid! – The message of Christ and Easter can give a lot of strength to Christians even in this difficult situation. This is what Cardinal Péter Erdő, the primate, Archbishop of Esztergom, spoke on the Kossuth Radio program entitled Sunday Newspaper. “Christ is the victor over …

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Technology: AstraZeneca vaccine can be discontinued in Slovenia under 60 years of age

[ad_1] Tech: In Slovenia, the AstraZeneca vaccine can be discontinued for people under 60 years of age | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”06324532-65fc-4317-afa3-98393e5cc1f6″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”A BBC szerint is megéri a pénzt az az új alkalmazás, amellyel az őslényeket és …

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