
Index – Economy – The new Hungarian gigabank is coming

[ad_1] Magyar Bankholding Zrt. It will start operating soon, as announced by the relevant financial institutions of the bank merger, Takarék Group, MKB Bank Plc. And Budapest Bank Group. The financial institutions signed an investment and union agreement and decided to contribute their bank stake to the joint holding company. …

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Economy: Cabinet: 36 thousand forint wine bought as a business gift Zsuzsa Hegedűs, Prime Minister’s Office

[ad_1] Economy: Cabinet: 36 thousand forint came as a business gift Zsuzsa Hegedűs, Prime Minister’s Office | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”8feb2cd5-084c-4e1c-b9bd-603620362165″,”c_author”:”Hont András”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A sznobok és a cinikusok vitája zajlik világszerte – ám a magyar közéletben és …

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