
What will life be like from today?

[ad_1] As of Monday, March 8, due to the third wave of the coronavirus, new rules will take effect. Now we show you how life is changing starting today. Where to wear a mask from now on? In public or in public places, everyone is obliged to maintain social contact …

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Olivier Dassault died after his helicopter crashed

[ad_1] According to law enforcement sources, Olivier Dassault’s French billionaire helicopter took off from a private area off the Normandy coast at 6 p.m. It crashed shortly after take-off. Olivier Dassault loved France. As an industrial leader, a member of parliament and local government, as a reserve captain in the …

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Economy: And then it turned out that organizing a closure is more complicated than building a stadium.

[ad_1] Economy: And then it turned out that arranging a closure is more complicated than building a stadium | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”e46b5499-39cc-49c0-89a1-dcf6a37f4c99″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Függőlegesen elhelyezhető fülek, gyorsabb indulás, jobb keresés a Bing motorral – ilyesmikkel bővítette a …

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The validity of expired documents is extended.

[ad_1] It was written that to reduce the number of social contacts, the government extended the validity of expired documents, so that cards expired after November 4 will remain usable in Hungary for 60 days after the end of the current emergency. The same applies to documents that expired between …

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