
At home: Austrian Interior Minister: Anyone can travel with a company certificate, Hungary has relaxed the rules

[ad_1] At home: Austrian Minister of the Interior: Anyone can travel with a company certificate, Hungary has relaxed the rules | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”bf0fa01e-9fcd-4e21-9fbd-28b04e62126b”,”c_author”:”Balavány György”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Meg kell tenni mindazt, amit a járvány ellen megtehetünk – …

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Company: The largest turkey processor has been sold, Lőrinc Mészáros may be the buyer

[ad_1] Company: The largest turkey processor has been sold, Lőrinc Mészáros can be the buyer Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”fe1c6f79-f2e7-4d05-8bd1-bdeb98275ce7″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag.zhvg”,”description”:”Miután az elsőre meghirdetett támogatási keret negyedóra alatt kimerült, a kormány folytatja a programot.”,”shortLead”:”Miután az elsőre meghirdetett …

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Slovakia toughens: mass events are prohibited

[ad_1] Most of the content in the portfolio is available for free, as is this article. However, the situation in the media market is constantly changing: if you want to support quality business journalism and want to be part of the Portfolio community, subscribe to Portfolio Signature articles. Know more …

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Real estate: the people of Dörgicse are afraid of their scenic vineyards on Lake Balaton, near Mészáros

[ad_1] Property: The Dörgicse people are afraid of their vineyards with a panoramic view of Lake Balaton near Mészáros Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”daf56e7d-efa4-44a9-a136-1d45e7ede42a”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”sport”,”description”:”A Magyar Birkózó Szövetség harmincnál is több tesztet végeztetett el, hogy kiderüljön, van-e …

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