
Economy: All the accused have been acquitted in the case of the Izák hunting lodge

[ad_1] Arrest: All the accused acquitted in the Izák hunting lodge case Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1720731c-8080-4892-8a17-237d8cc64b3e”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Korábban már a Facebook is fenyegetőzött a tervezett szabályozás miatt.”,”shortLead”:”Korábban már a Facebook is fenyegetőzött a tervezett szabályozás miatt.”,”id”:”20210122_Google_Ausztralia_mediatorveny”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”acbf3805-668c-4413-89da-408404a9dfeb”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/tudomany/20210122_Google_Ausztralia_mediatorveny”,”timestamp”:”2021. január. …

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Economy: Billions of Debt and Public Leverage: How Will Donald Trump Live Next?

[ad_1] Economy: billions of debt and public equity: how will Donald Trump live after? | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”412b099b-0f25-4671-b011-fafd41f19e77″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag.zhvg”,”description”:”A Honvédkórháznál mérték a legrosszabb adatokat.”,”shortLead”:”A Honvédkórháznál mérték a legrosszabb adatokat.”,”id”:”20210121_covid_korhaz_legszennyezettseg_honvedkorhaz”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”d05a8093-8ba7-4d2c-b295-b301534452f1″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/zhvg/20210121_covid_korhaz_legszennyezettseg_honvedkorhaz”,”timestamp”:”2021. január. 21. 18:38″,”title”:”A fővárosi Covid-kórházaknál az …

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Index – National – Viktor Orbán confirmed

[ad_1] Christian, conservative, and right-wing views are also limited by Facebook to narrow their reach. I also have personal experience of this – writes about the community side of the Minister of Justice. So the Hungarian regulation is in a corner. The winner of the fight against Facebook could be …

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They already told Biden: is a big drop expected?

[ad_1] The Biden administration’s massive stimulus package could boost the economy in the short term, but in the longer term, the debt that comes with it could have the opposite effect that the new president wants. It worsens productivity, slows economic expansion, increases social inequalities, thus eroding society and thus …

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