
Index – Culture – one of the best pizzerias in Europe

[ad_1] Riccardo Bianchi, the restaurant manager, and his Italian business partners dreamed of a youthful, Milanese-style, pizza-focused Italian restaurant in the capital. When asked how risky it is to open a pizzeria in the Hungarian gastronomic revolution, especially since this food is offered in countless places, he responds: “We knew …

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Business: Again, there is a 5 percent home tax cap.

[ad_1] Business: 5% VAT on housing is again limited Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”0a82e798-4b67-4102-9d4e-1252329e2eaf”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”Öt ves pernek lett vége, jogerősen is igazat adott a bíróság a kishantosiaknak abban az ügyben, amelyben az állam az ellenük küldött biztonsági …

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