Cataclysms, suffering and a great dragon await us next year, according to the blind Bulgarian fortune teller


Baba Vanga, who also predicts 9/11 and Trump’s coronavirus, says the three giants will unite in 2021.

We have written several times about the blind Bulgarian fortune teller, who died in 1996. Slime About Vanga. Although the woman has been dead for more than twenty years, she has left an important legacy: countless predictions for the next few years up to 5079. Now, the Daily Mail has outlined its predictions for 2021.

Many consider the woman as a simple buttery woman, in whose sentences she imagines what she wants, however, her followers are immersed in her predictions year after year, and then ponder which of these has turned out.

  • Last year, he predicted that Donald Trumpot is attacked by a mysterious disease, and the US president was infected with the coronavirus in 2020; However, deafness and a brain tumor avoided Trump, although the prophecy also covered them.
  • Furthermore, he predicted the collapse of the European economy, which was actually rocked by the pandemic.
  • But it also predicted the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and 9/11.

In light of the above, dedicated supporters are already sitting around waiting to find out what the outlook is for 2021. According to Baba Vanga, next year we need to have:

  • Difficult times are approaching, the world will suffer cataclysms and tremendous disasters;
  • Three giants unite;
  • The world is captivated by a strong dragon;
  • Humanity is divided by faith.

The possible meaning of the predictions is still being debated, but it is already treated almost as fact that China will be the strong dragon that will take over the world and become the world’s leading power next year.
