Carcinogenicity of Acrylamide-Containing Foods – Health


the acrylamide It is a low molecular weight water soluble compound that forms naturally in starchy foods during high temperature frying.

Presumably it has been around in food since people mastered baking and cooking. First In 2002 in Sweden It has been observed that large amounts of acrylamide can be formed during the preparation of various foods.

This is how acrylamide is formed

It is formed primarily from sugars and certain amino acids that are naturally found in the raw material during the triggering Maillard chemical reaction. In a recent communication from MDOSZ.

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Photo: alexat25 / Getty Images Hungary

As a result of the process, blackish-brown and aromatic substances are formed. This reaction occurs when food turns brown and changes its taste. Non-enzymatic browning is beneficial in many kitchen and food technology processes, baking bread, roasting coffee, and making jerky. In other cases, as in the case of the production of condensed milk and powdered milk, the change in color and aroma is detrimental in the production of powdered egg.


In adults, the main sources of acrylamide are baked potatoes, including popcorn, steak potatoes and croquettes, which can account for up to 49% of the average intake, ground and instant coffee – 34% – and coffee substitutes. coffee, followed by bread, usually wheat and rye, and toasts made with them – 23% – and finally cookies, crackers, extruded breads.

In the case of children, half of the intake comes from baked potatoes, as well as bread, breakfast cereals, biscuits, pretzels, extruded breads and other products. Up to 14% of processed cereal-based foods for infants and young children in children, 15% in cakes and pastries in older children, and 11% in teens are potato petals and snacks.

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Photo: martinrlee / Getty Images Hungary

Of the foods intended for infants, the main sources are mainly non-cereal processed foods, infant formulas, fruit purees, infant foods and other potato products.

Other foods, such as potato petals and snacks, have a relatively high acrylamide content, but acrylamide intake is low.

Food Μg / kg average Food Μg / kg average
French fries (French fries and baked potatoes, fresh or pre-fried) 332 coffee 317
Potato petals, snack 580 Coffee substitutes 1499
Breads 40 Processed Grain-Free Foods for Infants and Young Children 24
Breakfast cereals 113 Cookies and cupcakes for babies and toddlers 115
Cookies 231 Cakes and pastries 66
Cupcakes 149 Roasted oilseeds 93
Cookies and wafers 201 Vegetable chips 1846

Source: Scientific opinion of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on acrylamide in food, issued in 2015.

Physiological effects of acrylamide

At the moment, there is little conflicting data from human research on the association between acrylamide and cancer development. Animal experiments, on the other hand, have shown that a compound derived from the diet increases the chances of genetic mutations and certain organ tumors.

Therefore, the European Food Safety Authority, EFSA for short, believes that acrylamide in food may increase the risk of cancer in all age groups. Although this risk applies to any age, taking into account body weight, children are at higher risk.

The article continues after the recommender.

An organic compound ingested orally is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, reaches all organs, and is converted during metabolic processes in the body. One of the main metabolites produced in this way is glycidamide, which is likely to cause genetic mutations and tumors in animal experiments.

In addition to the tumor, EFSA experts considered the possible adverse effects of acrylamide on the nervous system, prenatal and postnatal development, and male fertility. In terms of these effects, the current dietary intake is based on acrylamide. They were not considered concerned.

Does acrylamide have a tolerable upper intake level?

Acrylamide and its metabolite, glycidamide, are genotoxic and tumorigenic. Because these substances can damage DNA in any amount and lead to the development of malignant tumors, EFSA experts have concluded that they cannot determine a tolerable upper daily limit for acrylamide intake from food.


Photo: luchschen / Getty Images Hungary

Instead, a dose range has been estimated in which acrylamide is likely to produce a small but measurable incidence in tumors or other potential side effects. This range is the lowest level of the lowest tumorigenic dose, BMD abbreviated with 95% probability, BMDL10.

For neoplasms, specialists should prescribe 0.17 mg / kg of body weight of BMDL10 per day. settled down, other adverse effects, particularly changes in the nervous system, the acrylamide dose range was set at 0.43 mg / kg / day of BMDL10.

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There are many occupations that are dangerous to health, for example, the following ten jobs have a fairly high risk of cancer.

(Image Source: Getty Images Hungary)
