The Ferihegy highway, built almost 80 years ago, is completely renovated.

The development of the road to the airport was decided by the government at the end of 2018, after the current, separated in the middle, the 2×1-lane “canal” and the adjacent service road, Gyömrői út, have not completed their task correctly for a long time.

In relation to development, a tender for the renovation and expansion of the motorway has now been published, which was informed by Dávid Vitézy, CEO of the Budapest Development Center.

The gist of the renovation is that the separate 2×1 lane character would disappear and a single integrated 2×2 lane road would be built, and the underpasses and overpasses would be 2×2 lanes with one exception. During planning, the task is also to plan a new main bike route along Gyömrői út.

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Therefore, unlike the current situation, traffic could also use the current Gyömrői út track in all directions. The existing underpasses and overpasses would be maintained with the passage of the two lanes twice, with the exception of the innermost overpass that runs in the Határ út metro station, which would remain twice per lane so as not to introduce more traffic into the center from the city. At junctions, flyovers, the road would be widened twice to three lanes due to one lane. As part of the investment, planning for the continuation of the road network from the future Galvani Bridge will also begin.

The newly released design tasks, along with building permits, should be completed by 2022 for the winner.

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They blew up a road renovation in Pestszentlőrinc because the locals asked them to stay on a dirt road

People living in the area thought that traffic should not be allowed on the street near Halmierdő, the municipality withdrew after half a year.

Of the 488 million HUF, a 2-kilometer road will be renovated on the M43


The works have a duration of 60 days.