The GPS would have led the driver to the ferry, who, however, thought he was going up a bridge. He happily escaped the Danube with his passengers.

On January 9, we reported that a car was entering the Danube on the Soroksár ferry. The RTL bulletin has now also discovered what caused the accident. They spoke to the driver, who told them about following the shortest route indicated by the GPS that would have taken him to the ferry, but he did not know.

“I thought there would be a bridge there”

– He said.

He was wrong when he saw that there was no bridge and the ferry had already started, he couldn’t stop.

The three passengers were able to disembark, waiting on the shore for professional firefighters and co-authorities from the capital to arrive at the scene and remove the car.


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A video was made of how firefighters pulled out a car that was sliding towards the Danube

Fortunately, the passengers had no problems.

A car entered the Danube at Soroksár

The driver tried to drive the ferry.