Attila Tassi finished second in the WTCR time trial. Defending champion Michelisz was hampered by technical problems.

Esteban Guerrieri, who races with the Münnich Motorsport Honda Civic, won the time trial on the World Car Tour (WTCR) race weekend behind closed doors. The Argentine will be able to start from pole in the first and third races.

The second starting place went to Attila Tassi, also from Honda, and third to his teammate Tiago Monteiro from Portugal.

“I am very happy, I managed to run my best time trial of the season at the Hungaroring and Honda finished in the top four places,” Tassi said after qualifying.

Frenchman Yvan Muller (Lynk & Co) will be able to start the second race from the leader under the reverse grid rule, as he finished tenth in the time trial.

Among the other Hungarian drivers, Bence Boldizs (Cupra) finished 11th, defending world champion Norbert Michelisz (Hyundai) 16th and Gábor Kismarty-Lechner (Cupra) 22nd in the classification on wet asphalt.

“We struggled with some technical problems, engine problems on the stopwatch, but we still don’t know the exact reason,” Michelisz said, adding that from 16th place “no miracle can be done”, but trying to “catch some points” in all three races on Sunday.

Boldizs said he was very happy with his result because he would have signed it in advance if someone had told him to advance from the first stage of the stopwatch to the top 12. He added that he was a bit sorry he couldn’t take tenth position, but how he was trying After doing good lap times on used tires, in a sense it was expected that he would not reach pole position on the reverse grid.

Kismarty thought that while he should start from the end of the field, he shouldn’t be disappointed because he managed to come a long way compared to the second free practice and changed direction in the race car. He stressed that they have to compete in other weather conditions on Sunday so the Saturday setup is no longer useful.

Mikel Azcona, the Spanish teammate of Boldizs and Kismarty, who leads the Zengő Motorsport Cup, took fifth starting position.

The first WTCR race starts at 9.15am on Sunday, the second at 12.15pm and the third at 4.15pm at the Hungaroring.

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