The tachograph camera revealed that the driver was driving at a speed of almost 100 miles per hour, which even violated the curfew.

On Tuesday night an accident occurred on the main road 710 in the direction of Balatonakarattya: a car entered a roundabout in the lane of oncoming traffic, then flew over it and stopped in the ditch on the other side. The 65-year-old driver and his passenger sitting next to him were seriously injured – read the police website.

The driver of the car claimed that he could drive at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour and saw a game stopped on the side of the road, so he did not notice the roundabout. But the police have released a recording of his tachograph camera, something else to see:

It said it ran nearly 160 roundabouts before crashing.

The circumstances of the accident are being investigated by the police in criminal proceedings.

In addition, the driver and his passenger violated the curfew, for which they also filed a violation report.

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    Even the police were shocked, they caught so many speeding in Óbuda

In 12 hours, the police measured no fewer than 219 sprinters on the III. district.

In the 80s a Mercedes-AMG was photographed at 244 km / h

In his sports sedan, with more than 400 horsepower, he was driving at triple the speed limit.