In 12 hours, the police measured no fewer than 219 sprinters on the III. district.

The district police measured the speed based on a citizen report in Budapest III. at various points in the district.

The aggregated data surprised even the police, as they measured speeding in a total of 219 cases in four locations in twelve hours, reported on the measurement results.

Of these, only one point highlighted in three hours in record numbers: 198 times they recorded speeding on the outsourced speedometer. One of them was traveling at a speed of 115 km / h instead of the 50 km / h allowed. The police imposed administrative fines on drivers for speeding.

Police noted that since a very significant proportion of traffic accidents can be traced back to speeding, speed measurements can be expected at any time in the district in the near future.

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In the 80s a Mercedes-AMG was photographed at 244 km / h

In his sports sedan, more than 400 horsepower, he was driving three times the speed limit.

Based on an unrecognizable image, a car was fined 300 thousand guilders

A driver who, according to police, raced down Andrássy Avenue one dawn this summer, was severely punished. As evidence, a photo was attached that essentially shows only the two illuminated headlights of your car.