The police are preparing a video-based procedure on the scene.

Recently a video of the Community of Motorists in Bp was published in the introductory section of the M1-M7, at the exit of Richagreti. An Audi first stops in front of a car in the center lane, then brakes several times and finally stops in the center lane, endangering the car behind it.

The video also reached the police, who launched an investigation into the car based on images from the camera.

Based on the recordings, the car and the owner were identified, a 45-year-old man from Vecsés who admitted that he was driving the car at the time. The man in charge of the Audit said the other car crashed in front of him, so he wanted to question him, but denied that he had suddenly braked.

A 45-year-old Vecsés man is being prosecuted on suspicion of a road hazard.

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In some places, the police sports car was running at 230 km / h.