Butcher tax: Fidesz swept away the motion


The pro-government majority did not allow the independent proposal to be considered.

Bernadett wind. Ákos Hadházy and Szabolcs Szabó According to the proposals of the independent deputies, the so-called Butcher Tax would mean hundreds of billions of forints in income. However, the proposal cannot even be submitted to parliament, the pro-government majority of the Economic Committee did not allow it to be included in the series. Wind Bernadett wrote on his Facebook page that, in doing so, his representatives had broken their oath, alongside the oligarchs rather than the people.

You are cowards, you did not dare to comment. And you tell me who I represent? Everyone who cares about truth and fairness! And what about you? Who does Fidesz represent? The KDNP? Only the oligarchs!

Bernadett Wind called it ridiculous that the chairman of the board, Erik Bánki Before the vote, he said the proposal was not supported by Fidesz because it would impose a tax retroactively. According to the independent member, this has been a common practice at Fidesz, they are so sensitive when it comes to their oligarchs.

Szabolcs Szabó talked about what happened justifies that György Schöpflin the former Fidesz MEP was right when he said that Lőrinc Mészáros was implementing the state’s economic policy. Fideszians like this, they wouldn’t even involve Butcher and his fellow oligarchs in public charge.

Ákos Hadházy He said it was questionable whether he would put forward the proposal because he did not want to foster the appearance that parliament was still operating, but he considered it important to tax wealth that was incomprehensible to human reason. As the proposal was based on the National Solidarity Program announced by László Botka, András Fekete-Győr, the Momentum president said that due to the crisis, everyone, including “political benefactors”, must show solidarity with the nation.

Previously, Bence Tordai also put forward a proposal to tax the top ten thousand, the opposition politician would impose a 1 percent property tax on more than HUF 100 million.

Featured Image: Wind Bernadett / Facebook
