Butcher became the largest turkey processor in the country.


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Shoppingol is the richest in the country after a notice was issued a week ago that

“Lőrinc Mészáros and Csilla Beatrix Mészárosné Készen initiate the termination of their marriage by agreement”.

On Thursday, Talentis Agro Zrt., Part of the Mészáros Group, announced that it had made a takeover bid for the purchase of Szarvasi Agro Zrt., Which also includes Szarvasi Agrár Zrt. And other subsidiaries. If the deal is approved by the Hungarian Competition Authority, it is in the interest of Lőrinc

  • 2600 hectares,
  • They thrive on 800 head of cattle.

On Friday, Gallicoop Zrt. It announced that Status Food, which is owned by three Hungarian private equity fund managers, Takarék, Béta and Lőrinc, had acquired a 100% stake in the company. According to the announcement of the acquisition

Gallicoop is a key player in the national turkey sector and “a company with great potential within the Hungarian meat industry that could become unavoidable in the medium term in the food market of the Central and Eastern Europe region if it raises adequate capital.”

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