However, when it comes to borrowing, you have to be careful: even if someone has their house ready this year, if you want to request a loan now, you have to comply with the energy regulations in force as of 2021.

While the energy efficiency austerity measures that take effect next year may complicate borrowing processes a bit, the experience of real estate agencies has shown that modern condos and houses can be sold at a higher cost and at half average.

According to an analysis by Duna House, due to stricter energy regulations, for example

Although a single-family home may cost 10 percent more to build starting in January, on the demand side, there is already a demonstrable increase in customer interest in more modern and energy-efficient apartment buildings.

Data from August this year clearly show that quality has also come to the fore among second-hand apartment buyers: in the eighth month, more than 70 percent of those interested preferred properties in good and very good condition .

It was recalled that after January 1, only new properties can be licensed with an energy demand close to zero, that is, energy efficiency, and at least 25% of renewable energy sources on site or nearby and, hence at least the energy efficiency of BB. class. The tightening will also affect the construction loan process, as banks are already judging loans more strictly.

According to the experience of Duna House Finance

Banks are already handling the stricter regulations evenly and, for example, even if someone has their house ready this year, if they want to borrow now, the energy regulations that will be in effect from 2021 must be in line with the plans. .

This is the only way for a financial institution to ensure that, after possible lengthy construction, the building covered by the loan can be completed next year.

According to the realtor, construction and expansion loans account for 10 percent of the total home loan market, the proportion of which is not expected to change next year, but individual loan amounts may increase, as some homeowners only they can finance higher construction costs due to stricter regulations. . They added: up to July this year, Hungarian citizens took out HUF 53 billion for the construction or expansion of real estate according to market data.

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Do you live in Kádár Cube?  You will not receive money from the government for energy efficiency renovations

The government’s energy efficiency program omits support for the renovation of 1.4 million rural single-family homes because the government says the renovation would cost more than they are worth.

Due to poor insulation and many flights, Hungarians have a high carbon footprint.

Where there were fewer carbon footprints, adults worked locally and children also went to school in the area.