Katalin Novák’s video uploaded to Facebook revealed how important the size of the property would be.

In a video uploaded to Facebook, the minister without portfolio for families spoke about the 5 percent housing tax. Katalin Novák said that from January 1, 2021, the VAT rules will be more favorable, you will have to pay less for new houses.

According to the minister’s example, if a family bought an apartment advertised for HUF 30 million plus VAT, it could save HUF 6.5 million.

With this, the goal is for as many people as possible to move into their own homes, wait there for their children and then raise them there, Katalin Novák stressed.

He noted that the only condition for reduced VAT: the floor area should not exceed 150 square meters, and in the case of a house 300 square meters.

The big losers of the recent period could be buyers who bought a house with a VAT of 27 percent, unless they have been properly hired. “Due to the risks posed by the VAT increase in 2020, most investors have asked buyers for the net purchase price of the property and the current amount of VAT in their pre-contracts. However, due to the reduction in VAT, these buyers can pay much less for these properties, ”László Balogh, senior analyst at ingatlan.com, told hvg.hu. Whether the apartments to be built will be cheaper is up to the developers and builders.

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New home building program is coming, kids can wait too

Daczi Dora

“The greatest homebuilding program of all time” is coming soon, but the government is still in debt with the details. We asked professionals what the current program might include.