Budapest may host the Olympic chess Games


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The International Chess Federation (FIDE) decided on Sunday that Budapest could host the 2024 Olympic Chess Games.

The Hungarian capital may host the fifth largest sporting event in the world in the centenary of the founding of FIDE. The 46th Chess Olympiad is scheduled to be hosted by Hungexpo in September 2024, with 3,500 expected participants.

The tender dossier was discussed on Sunday and later voted on online by the General Assembly of the International Chess Federation (FIDE). 111 of the delegates voted, 110 voted in favor of the Hungarian tender and one abstention.

The presentation was given by László Szabó, president of the Hungarian Chess Association. The presentation featured the Olympic chess champion Lajos Portisch, Athlete of the Nation; Judit Polgár, two-time Olympic chess champion, best player of all time; Kata Christmas, a 14-year-old world ranking leader in women’s chess; Pál Schmitt, former President of the Republic, member of the International Olympic Committee, Athlete of the Nation; Tünde Szabó, Olympic silver medalist, Secretary of State for Sports; Balázs Fürjes, Secretary of State responsible for the development of Budapest and the agglomeration of the capital; Gergely Karácsony, Mayor of Budapest; Krisztián Kulcsár, Olympic silver medalist, president of the Hungarian Olympic Committee; Mária Schmidt, history teacher, general director of the House of Terror Museum and György Szöllősi, editor-in-chief of National Sports, president of the Hungarian Association of Sports Journalists.

“Chess is at home in Hungary. Hungary has been at the forefront of competitive chess for at least one hundred and fifty years. And in terms of Olympic medals, we are by far one of the most successful chess nations. During the tender, a very serious collaboration developed, we can support the Hungarian government and the general assembly and the mayor of Budapest, ”said László Szabó.

The Hungarian Olympic Chess Games competition also contains many innovations. These are planned to be the first 5G Chess Olympics, the matches will not only be followed in real time, but everyone will even be able to host a party in their own room.

The Hungarian Federation is announcing a “Green Chess Olympics”, excluding the use of paper and plastic in the event, and offering competitors and drivers the opportunity to travel by bicycle between the hotels and the competition site. An important plan is that the Hungarian federation wants to increase the number of women’s teams, as there have always been fewer women’s teams than men’s in previous chess Olympiads.

Hungary has never hosted a chess Olympiad. In the competition, the host country can pitch more teams between women and men. (MTI)

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