British Experts: Even a Single Dose of Pfizer or AstraZeneca Vaccine is Extremely Effective


In both the third and fourth weeks after administration, they prevent serious diseases with an efficacy of more than 80 percent.

According to the latest British expert study presented Monday, a vaccine developed jointly by the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca, as well as Pfizer and BioNTech, is highly effective in preventing the development of a serious Covid-19 infection in hospitals that require treatment. hospitable. even after a single dose among the elderly.

Matt hancock The UK health minister said at a press conference on Monday illustrated with recent data that the effectiveness of vaccines is now clearly evident in the sharply declining morbidity and mortality figures in the UK, writes the MTI.

A first dose of the Oxford / AstraZeneca and Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine in people over the age of 80 was more than 80 percent effective in both the third and fourth weeks after administration, according to a study published Monday night by the Public Health Service (PHE). .the severity of the illness requiring hospitalization of the patient.

The PHE study also showed that the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine, which was launched in the UK a month earlier than the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine, reduced the number of deaths from the Covid-19 disease by 83 percent in those over 80. years. the first dose.

Matt Hancock said at a press conference in Downing Street on Monday night, which coincided with the presentation of the PHE study results, that more data to be released shows that Oxford / AstraZeneca is slightly more effective than Covid 35 days after the first dose. . -19 to prevent the development of diseases such as the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccines.

The Minister of Health emphasized that both vaccines provide very strong protection, which may also explain the observation that

In the past two weeks, the number of Covid-19 patients over the age of 80 admitted to new intensive care units across the country has fallen into the single-digit range.

To illustrate the effectiveness of vaccines, Hancock also highlighted that according to the charts, the number of deaths in older people vaccinated against the coronavirus is now declining faster than in younger populations not yet vaccinated.

However, according to the latest data released Monday night, overall, the number of new infections and deaths from the Covid-19 disease in Britain is steadily and steeply declining. The UK Department of Health said 55,859 coronavirus infections had been identified by screening tests in the week ending Monday 22,449, down 28.7 percent from a week earlier. The rate of decline is demonstrated by the fact that at the beginning of the year there were periods when more than 60,000 new cases were examined, sometimes almost 70,000 new coronavirus infections.

According to the UK government’s calculation methodology (which takes into account deaths that occur within 28 days of a coronavirus infection), a report of 2,196 patients died in a week ending Monday. This means that the number of deaths caused by Covid-19 disease per week dropped by 1,166, or 34.7 percent, from the previous week.

British health authorities reported 104 deaths on Monday; it is the lowest daily death rate in many months.

According to a report from the Ministry of Health on Monday night, 20,275,451 have so far received the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine, and the second dose has been administered to 815,816 people. The number of first and second doses administered on this basis has exceeded 21 million in the UK.
