Brexit: more and more people are drowning with a new pull from the British government


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The most far-reaching element of the draft is a way to nullify the Northern Ireland Protocol to the Brexit Agreement, as the British Government has also openly recognized. The purpose of this 64-page special agreement is to prevent the reintroduction of border controls between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. As one of the main achievements of the reconciliation process in Northern Ireland, there has long been no physical control of this border. In order for this to remain the same, under the Protocol, Northern Ireland maintains a harmonized system of relations with certain elements of certain EU rules, mainly those relating to trade in goods. According to this solution, in intra-Community trade between Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom, imports that cannot be excluded from entry into the EU single internal market, in particular Ireland, will sometimes have to be subject to customs controls.

However, the British bill it would in all circumstances exempt companies in Northern Ireland from any special customs documentation obligation in intra-UK trade and would empower the UK Government to disregard the provisions of the Northern Ireland Protocol.

What is spicy about the British government’s appeal is that Boris Johnson’s previous success has been to cut the Gordian knot as recent prime minister after previous failed attempts and resolve the Irish-Northern Irish paradox with a workable model acceptable to all, driving the stalled process of Brexit. . Even then, it seemed that Johnson’s solution was not a genius jerk, but ultimately a reduction in the UK’s territorial state integrity. Now it also seems that the politician did not take this seriously.

According to the official justification of the British Government, the law is necessary because the economic and territorial integrity of the United Kingdom must be protected even if a bilateral free trade agreement with the European Union cannot be reached. However, the European Commission already in a forceful statement last week described the draft as a breach of contract and a violation of international law and demanded that London withdraw the bill by the end of the month.

Geoffrey Cox, former head legal adviser to the Conservative government, who was a high-ranking member of the Cabinet in his capacity until his resignation in February, wrote in an article in the Conservative newspaper on Monday, The British Government and Parliament, signing the Brexit compliance with the conditions established in the Agreement.

“Our honor, credibility, self-esteem and future global influence depend on our keeping our word,” says a former senior UK government official. She adds that if the Minister of the Queen, that is, the Prime Minister, gives her word, she does so on behalf of the Queen, and it goes without saying that she has to keep her word, even if it has consequences that are difficult to bear.

Cox, who is currently the lower house deputy for the ruling Conservative Party, said he would not support the bill in the final vote unless the government urgently abandons its intention to unilaterally rewrite certain clauses in a treaty it had voluntarily signed ago. a few months. .

On Monday, former Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron said in multiple media interviews that he had serious reservations about the bill. He added that the government should seek a free trade agreement with the EU. In recent days, four more former British prime ministers, Theresa May, Tony Blair, John Major and Gordon Brown, have also publicly condemned the Boris Johnson government bill, and there is growing resistance within the conservative faction of the Low camera.

Cover image: Getty Images
