Bravery tie after victories! – UFO


In the League of Nations, on the 4th day of Group 3 of the B-League, the Hungarian team entered Moscow as a guest of Russia and ended in a goalless draw.

Our national team scored a point in a heroic fight (Photo: MTI)


League of Nations

Moscow, VTB Aréna, 4000 viewer. Directed by: Oliver (English)
Russia: Sunyin – Szmolnyikov, Szemjonov, Kudryasov, Zsirkov (Karavaev, 67) – An. Mirancsuk (Z. Bakajev, 55), Zobnyin, Ozdojev (Szobolev, 81) – Ionov (Gazinszkij, 67), Dzjuba, Mostovojjev (55) . Federal Captain: Stanislav Cherchesov
Hungary: Dibusz – Botka, Orbán, Szalai A. – Nego, Sigér, Gazdag (Nagy Á., During the break), Kalmár (Schäfer, 77.), Holender (Fiola, during the break) – Szalai Á. (Könyves, 83.), Nikolics (K. Varga, 61.). Federal Captain: Marco Rossi


Balázs Dzsudzsák may also regret not having received an invitation for October 3 after the two September matches, because on the one hand, like Gábor Király, he can still boast of being “only” 108 teams, that is, he has to wait for the “National record” 109. On the other hand, he was unable to play Wednesday night in the imposing stadium of his former club, Dinamo Moscow, which was loaned out last May. The € 1.3 billion VTB Arena, which replaced the old Dinamo stadium, which was doomed to be demolished in 2008, is known not only for its legendary Soviet goalkeeper Lev Jasin, who spent his entire career in a team previously supervised by the Ministry. from the Interior, but also by Performs a “two in one” function: a football stadium and a hall form the complex on Leningrad Avenue. If you look at the capacity, the first is twice the size of the second, 26,000 people can watch a football match, while 13,000 people can redeem tickets for events held indoors.

It was known in advance that the Russia-Hungary Nations League match would not have a full house, and due to the regulations of the European Football Association, the hosts could sell a maximum of 7,700 tickets. Members of the Hungarian national team also had better things to do than ponder whether all the tickets could be accommodated, although on Wednesday it was almost completely idle, of course only until the start. The excitement was only caused by the line-up of Federal Captain Marco Rossi: his decision may have been complicated by the fact that the national team had reached the end of a forced march, having contested their third bet in seven days, it is not No wonder fatigue has “spoken” in the lineup. The coach, who leads game 21 at the head of the national team, said Tuesday that he is trying to rotate, especially to protect the health of the team members.

Nikolics did not have an easy task (Photo: MTI)

“I would be out of luck if someone played all three games”
He pointed Marco Rossi, who put 180 and 172 minutes on the field against Bulgaria and Serbia, respectively, this time on the bench. At the same time, Attila Szalai and Zsolt Kalmár, starters in both Sofia and Belgrade, were able to be back on the field from the first minute, as was Loic Nego, who has been used twice as a substitute in the national team. And for the first time in the Rossi era, the attack line was formed from the beginning by Ádám Szalai and Nemanja Nikolics. Along with the Moscow “case”, there were six examples of this in Hungarian football history.

The captain eventually modified in six places from the starting eleven in Belgrade, but stayed true to the 3-5-2 regiment. The attitude did not change either, as soon as the whistle that signaled the start sounded, ours jumped into the fight with great will, Ádám Szalai scored a ball within sixteen immediately after eighteen seconds, it is a pity that Igor Smolnyikov has entered your pass (if not, Nikolic would be). However, it also turned out that it is not the mental difference that decides, the Russians also deployed all weapons to win the leadership as soon as possible. His aggression was accompanied by a quick game, on the right side they broke the invited defense several times, but there was someone in the Hungarian team who helped his partner out. This was reassuring, but unless Zsolt Kalmár could not hold the ball as much as in recent matches, and if they tried to get up, it didn’t cause any particular problems for the home defense. As they didn’t get very close to the Russian goal, they tried from afar, but shots from Attila Szalai and Willi Orbán also missed. That we could record the shots of two defenders in the first half of the hour, let’s take it to the praise of the Bekks …

Marco Rossi left almost nothing without a word, if possible, he praised the good plays, if he had to, he fiercely pointed out what should be improved. In fact, there was room for improvement, to say the least, most of the duel was won by the Russians. Admittedly, no significant threat was posed to the Hungarian gate for a long time, Dénes Dibusz, who sported the coat of arms for the tenth time exactly six years after his debut, had to save big for the first time in the extension of the first part. Even with a dangerous attack at home in the addition of a minute, we are not exaggerating to say that Michael Oliver finished the game in the best time.

Ádám Szalai (9) fought hard today (Photo: MTI)

The federal captain also took advantage of the break to exchange two, with Adam Adam replacing Rich Daniel, while Holender Filip was replaced by Attila Fiola, yes, left of midfield. For a few minutes the game seemed to stabilize, then the hosts fired it up: first Dibusz defended Artyom Juba’s shot with a feat – Endra Botka bounced – and then the bar “blocked” Alexei Ionov’s bomb. The national team was lucky, but their situation was not, and it was not surprising that the captain also changed the offensive line. Varga Kevin was quick to take the place with Nikolics Nemenja, but minutes later he masterfully mounted the ball for Loic Negó, who also shot on goal, but was blocked by Yuri Zsirkov.

There was a lot of pressure on the Hungarian goal in his hair, even Ádám Szalai helped with the defense before giving up his seat to Norbert Könyves. Ours had no chance of scoring anymore, but did their best to prevent them from doing so. They fought with incredible humility for the draw, and when the triple whistle sounded we were able to book, making the most of this match as well. The Hungarian team thus awaits the closing of the Nations League in November from second place. Which, after all, is preceded by qualification for the European Championship against Iceland. 0-0


In another group match
Turkey-Serbia 2-2 (Calhanoglu 57, Tufan 76 and Sz. Milinkovics-Szavics 22, A. Mitrovics 49-11)

1. Russia 4 two two 7-4 +3 8
2. HUNGARY 4 two one one 4-3 +1 7
3. Turkey 4 3 one 3-4 -one 3
4. Serbia 4 two two 3-6 -3 two
