Bödőcs: Next year, only rural, ruddy, hay-smelling children will be admitted to the performing arts, like me


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Tibor Bödőcs also spoke about children’s readings, films, influences, wasted talent, György Spiró and Péter Nádas in their interview with Life and literature. When asked why he applied for a degree in Hungarian at Eötvös Loránd University at that time, he also mentioned the University of Theater and Film Arts.

“I wanted to get to Pest near the theater and / or cabaret. Since they were not admitted to the performing arts, this was their last chance to do so. Next year, they will only hire farm children, ruddy and smelling of hay like me. Could apply. “Spiro also taught him in college, and later when they met, he complained that it was not in his parody book. Which is, after all, a compliment. Anyway, he was right, because even a parody of a volume would come along with a team as strong as the first. You can also write well from spiro. (…) The tragicomedy around SZFE The Ikszek scream for his parody! Péter Nádas, for his part, did not laugh at any of the parodies.

Tibor BödőcsPhoto: Tamás Botos / 444

Bödőcs began to write more seriously after receiving a criticism from András Cserna-Szabó of one of his Hamvas parodies: “Mouthwash is good.”

“It was the first critical response. Ernő Osvát even wrote to Babits that “very dear Lord, please send me all your works.” I have it. “Although he has a tendency to retreat, Bödőcs cannot withstand complete confinement. “From the quarantine of the writer, which used to be called the ivory tower, I think I will have to go out into the world. There was a writer who claimed in the first season of the virus, during quarantine, that his life had not changed, as he had lived like this for decades. For me, this is not a viable path, I have to participate in life ”.

They were also asked about the understanding, acceptance and forgiveness that characterized their texts.

“I don’t know, you don’t have to proclaim it, but behave in writing, orally and in action, taking all people to human numbers, trying to get rid of our prejudices in that way. (…) After six beers in the pub, I will not be aggressive, but I will drink with sympathy for humanity, as befits a good leftist or a good Christian, because they are both somewhere the same if I do not misunderstand ” .

The full interview can be read here.

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