BL male hand: an interesting decision was made – László Nagy


In the wake of the coronavirus epidemic, the European Handball Federation (EHF) has decided to postpone the Cologne Men’s League from the original date of May 30 to 31 and later from August 22 to 23 to December 28 to 29 . Four endings. Follow the opinion of László Nagy.

László Nagy (Photo: Attila Török)


“An interesting decision has been made, although in the current situation all decisions are he told National Sports László Nagy, He is Vice President of the Hungarian Handball Association (MKSZ) and Sports Director of Telekom Veszprém. “The final of the last four in August was not realistic in light of what happened in the past few weeks, however, there has never been a final four in December, and I really hope there will be no more.”

The sports director put it this way, all they knew was that the European federation insists on the end of the 2019-2020 season because, in addition to broadcast rights, many tickets have been sold in advance and they want to serve this audience crowded.

“We already know the date for the final of the four, but we are still groping in the dark about how the year will end. One thing is for sure, it is better to prepare for an even tighter race schedule, with many games and trips, due to the shorter time. “ added Nagy, who said the EHF will have a hard time playing chess with events to keep everyone happy. In the Hungarian federation, due to the end of the season, they feel this in their own skin.

“In this situation, everyone loses, but I am sure that the European Alliance will take everything into account. Many of the planned events will certainly come to an end, including preparations for the national team and world competitions, to which MKSZ tries to adapt as flexibly as possible “- added the old classic.

The EHF will decide the 2019-2020 European Cup season on April 24, when it will announce how the teams can get to Cologne. According to one version, the results achieved in the group round would be taken into account, and the first and second place teams – Barça, Kiel, PSG, Veszprém – would be included in the last four.
