Billions of guilders in damages were caused to the state by tax scammers through a web store


There were several criminal organizations and criminal associations operating in the Internet commerce that scammed the tax by fictitious companies; its members have been charged by the Attorney General’s Office. He offered them a prison sentence.

According to the more than 800-page indictment, he worked for a popular online store company as a male sourcing and sales coordinating representative. The man contacted and arranged with organized criminal groups that specialized in committing budget fraud, operated multilevel corporate chains of national and foreign companies and paid him bribes in exchange for the criminal relationship.

The chains bought goods from the European Union, mainly technical items, which were then sold domestically, but avoided paying VAT illegally. The webshop acquired some of its products through chains of companies so that company executives were not aware of the illegal activity.

Members of the business chains either failed to meet their tax filing obligations or submitted them with false information, causing a total of more than 5 billion guilders in damage to the state. The companies were registered in the name of “stromans”, mostly Hungarians residing abroad, who had no callable assets, and documents related to the establishment or transfer of the company were signed exclusively for money.


The executives of the operating company of the web store were not aware that the supplier companies that invoiced on their behalf issued invoices with false content, nor that the general sales tax content of the invoice was not paid by any of the companies belonging to business chains.

During a successful investigation by the National Tax and Customs Administration, he disrupted the “work” of organized crime in November 2017.

Experts from the Asset Recovery Office of the National Investigations Office assisted in the property insurance.

The Metropolitan Attorney General’s Office prosecuted forty-two people for budget fraud and other crimes in the Metropolitan Court and recommended that nine companies be convicted.

The most serious crime is punishable by up to five to twenty years in prison, according to the law, according to the Prosecutor’s Office.
