Between life and death, there’s no hope that a 17-year-old boy will fall out the window recovering


The brain death of Richard, 17, who fell out the window at a home party on Saturday, Blikk writes.

The boy’s father told the newspaper that a girl was calling him and his wife at two in the morning saying that their son was ill.

I rushed to John’s Hospital, where they said, “Goodbye Ricsi.” My son is floating between life and death, his cervical vertebrae, his spinal column, his lungs are so broken that he is breathing with a machine. Also, his skull broke, a blood clot formed in his brain that they were trying to remove. I kissed my little son, I asked him to be my Ricsik, now he fights a lot, come home with us!

– He said.

It was later revealed that the boy had a brain death.

The father confronted the police when his son jumped out the window of the second-floor apartment while drunk at the house party. His first attempt was thwarted by a girl, and then witnesses said Ricsi had a fight with a boy, then she ran into the other room, opened the window, and then jumped. The company dispersed, some only remained there, finally the police were called because the pension equipment had been destroyed. Dad doesn’t understand how his friends gave Ricsi drugs. He had goals, so he can’t believe he jumped alone either, he suspects he was sent off at the end of the fight.

Richard attended the law enforcement school in Érd, he was a disciplined boy. The city’s mayor wrote on his Facebook page on Tuesday, he was surprised to hear that one of Érd’s young hopes could never be with us again.

László Csőzik he wrote,

Ricsi fell out of the second-floor window at dawn on Sunday and suffered injuries so severe that doctors were unable to rescue him. He is currently halfway between life and death, and unfortunately there is no hope of his recovery.

As a father, he feels this pain deep in his soul, always hitting his heart when the lives of young people are interrupted.

The 17-year-old football player from Érdi VSE was a fan of the sport, he did not go to the Batthyány Sports School by accident and achieved good results in badminton and then also in soccer. He had already been invited to join the great team and was planning how to proceed after graduation. All Érd residents share the despair and pain of their family, friends, teammates, and classmates!

Said the mayor.
