Bernadett Szél announced L contaminarinc Mészáros’ polluting wheat processor


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Bernadett Szél, a member of the independent Parliament, announced in a statement that he would file a complaint due to environmental contamination at the Viserol Kft. Site, which belongs to Lőrinc Mészáros.

Last November, it turned out that something was wrong at the Visonta site of Mátrai Erőmű Zrt., Since sulfur and phosphorous-containing gas formed in one of the nearby deposits. We also discussed the case in detail at the time, and while many suggestions were heard about what the contamination might have caused, no formal responses could be obtained. However, in April, Transparent obtained the decision from the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Disaster Management Directorate, which revealed that starch and raw material manufacturer and distributor Viresol de Mészáros was responsible.

According to Szél, according to the leaked document, Lőrinc Mészáros’s company is responsible not only for the death of the fish last summer, but also for the gas pollution that caused massive unrest in November, and the authority itself determines the environmental risk.

The decision reveals that the wheat processor delivered in February 2019 first caused severe water contamination in July, resulting in massive fish deaths in Bene Creek, but the contamination has not stopped since. In November, toxic gases were formed that were dangerous to humans due to the wastewater from Viresol Kft. Upon entering the Őzse-völgy reservoir. According to samples released by the Water Authority on December 3, a significant amount of pollutants still left the site’s stormwater drainage system, with an organic matter content greater than 10 times the emission limit value. The authority received another report of serious contamination in January. The current decision states that “there is an imminent risk of damage to surface water (environmental risks) through the discharge of untreated stormwater or treated wastewater from the Site”, – writes the representative, who said that

“The decision shows that the nationally important investment of Lőrinc Mészáros, with state support and state loans of 6.2 billion HUF, continued its polluting activities even after the contamination of July and November, with which the Penal Code. environmental damage and damages according to

Therefore, he filed a lawsuit against the company today. (via MTI)

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