Berki loses control again: Dóri Szabó told me that the presenter ran away crying from the recording – photos | BorsOnline – Celebrity News – Gossip – Crime – Politics


The subject of motherhood is a sensitive subject for all women, and few may want Berki to tell them what to think and what not.

The topic of motherhood is a sensitive topic for all women, and few may want Berki to tell them what they can and cannot think.

Krisztián Berki unfastened the wick again in the Life TV studio: in the Monday recording of Bréking, he stopped his partner, Dór Szabó so much that the presenter also left there in the Berki striped style. The issue was whether it was dangerous for children for their parents to share every moment of their lives on their social sites.

Dori first tried to solve the problem orally © Life TV

Dori tried to ask Berke how he felt about the subject, as he also shared a lot of content about his little girl, Nati, but The presenter did not let the question end, but narrowed down how Dóri could tell what was okay and what was not, since she had no children.How the hell are you going to know what’s right if you don’t have kids? Berki said, and Dori collected himself quite understandably.

Krisztián couldn’t stop © Life TV

“Since I don’t have children, I can still have an opinion.” How do you know why I don’t have children? This is the level until we enter into a conversation. You can’t be such an idiot to someone you don’t know what country you have on this topic. I don’t want to sit here with you in the studio Dori said in the recording audibly the crying was also drowned out, so much so that Krisztián got into his soul. As we have learned, this is not silly, Krisztián really went too far this time and spoke with Dóri, 33, about something that affects her very sensitively, and that is the issue of having children.

The host was increasingly irritated © Life TV

– Come on, I’m used to Christian’s style, since we couldn’t speak in a normal tone, now I prefer to stand up. The dog-cat relationship is ours, and it often creates tension in one. a case like this is always on deck with us. It’s good for the show though, because we’re rarely in a position so we can present a topic in so many ways. Dori started with our magazine, who also honestly told us why this topic was so painful for her.

In the end, Dóri couldn’t take it anymore and stood up © Life TV

“If life had shaped him, I would have been very happy if he had a son, but it was not like that.” I know there are no barriers to having a child, but more seriously, I have never followed it. I’m thirty-three years old and I really don’t know if there would really be any hidden roadblocks if it was really about having a baby. I’m not 18 anymore and I’m getting more and more concerned with the idea of ​​how easy it will be to have a baby. I see many parts struggling with this in my environment. – Dóri began, who thinks: in any case, such a sensitive subject should be treated with caution in a woman in her thirties.

Berki also showed Doric where the door is © Life TV

By the way, Krisztián did not get into Dóri’s soul for the first time, in fact, he somehow always “revolves” about his private life and his intimate things, as if he only knew where to hit to make it hurt more. They didn’t even speak to each other for two years after the previous incident.

“We were still working on FEM3 when he was a presenter, I was a guest in the studio at the time. You know I didn’t want to talk about it, but he snorted my partner’s name at the time on a live stream, which was a bump under the belt. We did not speak for two years. He hasn’t apologized since, but we discussed it. Dori explained.

Kriszta Hevesi, Gábor Garami and Cinthya Dictator didn’t know what to do with the story, they only listened in shock when Dóri finally stood up © Life TV

After that, it’s surprising otherwise that she now agreed to sit in a studio with him and even support each other as partners on the Breaking show.

– I wanted to be in this program because it is a good program and a challenge. Krisztián also has a very normal side, he rarely likes to show it and does not always know the limits. Dori explained.
