Bence Tordai: László Kövér fined 8.2 million HUF for trying to bring the billions extracted to Buddha surgeries


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“The self-proclaimed mayor of Parliament, László Kövér, has not lied to himself even now. He imposed a record fine on me for going to Mihály Varga with a mobile phone in the meeting room and asking us to fight together to get the government to return the almost 10 billion guilders it took at the end of last year without justification. and III. Bence Tordai, Member of Parliament for Dialogue, writes on Facebook that Kövér meted out the harshest punishment in Parliament’s history so far, totaling HUF 8.2 million.

According to Turda, Fat’s justification is completely unfounded because he was polite and peaceful with Varga, the parliamentarian said that it was the minister who “pushed him to the chest.” “I did not obstruct the meeting or the free movement of Mihály Varga, but there was not a word out loud between us.” According to Turda, with this punishment of eight million, Fat tries to “prevent him from fulfilling his promise to the electorate.”

The deputy says she has a bad reputation as a “fat housekeeper”: “It is true that as a family of four we will feel the punishment correctly, but it is very wrong to think that this will deter me and the Dialogue for a minute of ¡ Let us fully fight to eradicate the arbitrariness of Fidesz, to recover the money stolen from medical care, to create a normal country! “

On March 1, Bence Tordai tried to persuade Mihály Varga to sign the opposition party’s initiative in Parliament, which would withdraw HUF 9.3 billion from the planned MotoGP course and game show in Hajdú-Bihar county. modifying the budget, and III. district specialized clinics. Tordai asked this of Varga because he is the finance minister and also the individual representative of the two districts of Buda, and Tordai will stand in the previous opposition elections in these districts. Tordai then told that Varga pushed him in the chest and “went back to his seat and then whistled like a good soccer player for being insulted.”

Days later, Turda posed for posters and yellow-black ribbons in front of Mihály Varga’s office of individual members of parliament. In this sense, Varga said, “the events in Washington apparently had a moving effect on Bence Tordai. His production in front of my office in Pesthidegkút even raises the crime of vandalism ”.

