Belgian newspaper: The Hungarian MEP who resigned was also present at an organ in Brussels last Friday


Brussels police crashed into a sex party on Friday night in Brussels. According to the Brussels Times, drugs were also found at the scene.

Twenty-five people, mostly men, attended the body, including several diplomats and a member of the European Parliament. Sex party participants were fined for violating curfew restrictions.

Telex wrote based on the Belgian newspaper HLN that it was a Hungarian MEP who had since resigned. The deputy reportedly tried to escape via the gutter, but was arrested by the police. The man, who was not mentioned in the first reports, allegedly then invoked his immunity.

HLN subsequently updated its article to describe it as being about József Szájer. However, he subsequently removed the name of the Fidesz politician, although it can still be identified in the article as it is mentioned that between 1994 and 2002 he was the leader of the party’s parliamentary faction.


The document also recalls that Fidesz is openly opposed to the rights of LGBT people.

József Szájer, leader of the Fidesz faction in the EP, resigned on Sunday two days ago. Therefore, it is justified:

My decision marks the end of a longer period of thought. The resignation has nothing to do with the content of the current fierce struggle on the European stage. In the current debate, I agree with the position of the Hungarian Government and support it.

He was approached by 444 Jaume Duch Guillot, a spokesman for the EP who said that the police had not yet informed parliament about the incident, so they only know what has appeared in the press.

Delphine colard, a deputy spokesperson for the European Parliament said at the request of our document that they could not confirm the recent allegations and information about the member of the European Parliament.

József Szájer and most of the members of the Fidesz delegation in Brussels were no longer available on Tuesday afternoon. A parliamentarian who finally took the phone told our newspaper that everyone is waiting for accurate information because so far they have only been informed of the police case in the press. Therefore, neither they nor the myriad other interests can be answered. However, the MP said that Szájer’s resignation over the weekend was not an unexpected decision for the faction, the MP had been considering leaving for a long time. also came to the press from József Szájer, who said that Sunday’s official statement was in force, no further information would be given about the representative’s resignation.
