Béla Merkely: We can finish after the difficult Easter


As a result of the precautions, we should see more favorable data in 3-4 weeks. The number of new diseases is expected to decline as vaccination intensity increases

He said in an interview with Origo Merkely Béla, adding that we can overcome difficulties after Easter.

The rector of the University of Semmelweis has revealed that patients who come to university clinics are getting younger and younger, and now those in their thirties and sixties are the most infected.

The rector estimates that if more than 3 million people receive the vaccine, the development of protection will be felt.

He stressed that the British variant that is now spreading is much more contagious, so more attention should be paid to the rules.

It spreads very quickly, so if someone makes a single mistake on defense, such as spending ten to fifteen minutes in an infected enclosure without a mask, or not sanitizing their hands well or keeping their distance, the spread is easier to detect. English version of the virus.

The rector noted that in recent days, 80-90 percent of confirmed cases in Budapest were caused by this mutation. The wild virus that spread last spring and fall was not infected as intensely.
