Béla Merkely told how she was treated after contracting the coronavirus


The rector of the Semmelweis University himself has been infected with the coronavirus, Direct chat he spoke on his show.

Initially he thought his illness would be mild, he had a mild fever with a sore throat, and on the third day he was in great pain, was weak and had a fever.

He treated himself at the teacher’s home, but his colleagues also gave him a lot of advice. He focused primarily on vitamins, took vitamin C and D, and vitamin B due to his peripheral nervous system pain, as well as taking anticoagulant therapy and staying in bed. It is also recommended to buy an oxygen meter (pulse oximeter) that can be clipped to the fingers for a few thousand florins, with which we can measure our oxygen saturation. “If it’s over ninety percent, there probably aren’t many problems,” he said. Merkely Béla.

Recently, many people have heard that treatments used at home in patients with covidium are not effective. The WHO said in mid-October that a drug called remdesivir had no significant effect on either the death rate or the recovery of patients, and a study published within days found a similar result for plasma treatment.

However, Merkely said this is not the case, but as she said, these treatments can help in the early stages of infections in the first place, as they inhibit the spread of the virus within the body. “Of course, if these therapies are applied late, even when it is not so much the amount of virus that matters, but the response of the body that dominates the picture, making it a kind of cytokine storm, then understandably, neither remdesivir nor plasma help. “

That is why she believes that it is important to be aware of the symptoms and, if our condition worsens, we must go to the hospital. “The most important thing is the moment, I see it more as a problem to give the medicine, but in many cases it is a bit late because the patient arrives later.”

According to him, the rector, who knows a lot of data, estimates that more than one and a half million Hungarians have already contracted the coronavirus infection, which is about 15 percent of the population. It takes 60 percent for flock immunity to develop “Every day, tens of thousands more contract the disease. I think we can be around this epidemic around March-April ”, said Béla Merkely on the program.
