Béla Merkely revealed why she was vaccinated with the Sputnik V vaccine


Three months after her confirmed coronavirus infection, Béla Merkely also received the coronavirus vaccine. The rector of Semmelweis University was vaccinated with the Russian Sputnik V vaccine.

“3 months after my confirmed Covid infection, today I also received the coronavirus vaccine along with 4 of my medical colleagues. Attila Szabó, clinical rector, vaccinated us with the Russian Sputnik V vaccine “ – wrote Béla Merkely on her Facebook page.

The rector of Semmelweis University added:

I am sure that public confidence in vaccines will increase even more among our compatriots.

Vaccines were started at Semmelweis University on December 26, 2020. Today, 100 percent of bedside physicians and 92 percent of professionals are protected, virtually eliminating the spread of the coronavirus.

Of the 5,800 healthcare workers, only three are currently absent due to a confirmed coronavirus infection who have not previously been vaccinated. wrote in a statement to the institution.

University health workers are also constantly vaccinated for those who have had a confirmed coronavirus infection for more than three months and are therefore licensed to vaccinate.

As part of this, the rector of Béla Merkely, director of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of Városmajor, who received a coronavirus infection last November, received the vaccine along with four other colleagues.

The Pfizer – BioNTech vaccine was used in the university since December 26, 2020, and then the Moderna vaccine arrived on January 14, 2021, which was used mainly in nursing homes, and now the range of vaccines is expanding with Sputnik V.

As is known,

Vaccinations will continue to be administered during the week according to the vaccination plan.

Currently, it is mainly people over 60 years of age who receive the Sputynik V vaccine who do not have a chronic disease.
People under the age of 60 with a chronic disease will be vaccinated with AstraZeneca from their GP.

Register for vaccination at Vakcinainfo.gov.hu ​​website can be where We can also answer questions from the national consultation.
