Béla Merkely: let’s last a month and a half more


Béla Merkely asked us to persevere and take care of ourselves for another month and a half, after which she said that the data on the coronavirus epidemic would be significantly reduced.

If we look ahead, we have about a month and a half of this epidemic, after which the numbers will drop significantly.

– He said.

He put it this way: “Let’s hold out for another month and a half and we will have a very pleasant summer when families can get together and we can relax freely.”

He said that due to the purchase of the Russian Sputnik V and the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine, that is, the oriental vaccines, the vaccination rate in Hungary is much higher than the European Union average. The latter has increased by 12.5 percent, while in Hungary the vaccination rate has now increased to 20 percent, he stressed.

He said it was also justified to vaccinate pregnant women out of shift, as the virus also endangered the life of the fetus. This was decided based on clinical experience; 1,000 pregnant women received the vaccine in two days, he explained.

He added that according to a publication from Harvard University, the vaccine provides protection not only to the mother but also to the fetus, which means that the child is born protected.

Béla Merkely warned that despite spring, let’s not forget to wear a mask; the British variant can cause severe symptoms in all ages.

When we get infected with a mask, a smaller amount of virus enters our body, so the course of the disease can be milder.

He also talked about making an animated short film about vaccines and how vaccines work, called Semmelweis University Clinical Adventure. With this, they also want to increase the willingness to vaccinate, because mainly the lack of knowledge generates fear – said Béla Merkely.

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